Estratégia de Marketing Internacional

by | Mar 22, 2022 | Internacionalização

A Strategic International Marketing Plan

is an innovative tool that allows the rapid internationalization of the company and consists of an integrated system that encompasses the Business Plan with respective technological support.

The SIMP was designed by international experts from the Atlantic Consulting and indicates to the entrepreneur where, how, to whom and what he can sell abroad, adjusting to the reality and specificity of any company.

As we know, before giving way to an international marketing plan, the strategy constitutes a set of integrated views on the part of one or more managers regarding the company’s performance.

These views may not necessarily be clear and complete, and because they systematize relevant issues for the development of the organization’s future activity, especially at the international level, and in most cases they are out of touch with reality and require a prior diagnosis.

Stages of the Strategic International Marketing Plan

In this first phase, Atlantic Consulting will consider the different visions or strategic options in a formal document so that the entrepreneur can accurately know the size and level of performance of his company and performance relative to his competitors (Benchmarking).

With this, you will be able to obtain the best positioning and strategic orientation vis-à-vis the international environment in which you operate.

Atlantic Consulting helps the company in the international marketing plan, to define its internationalization strategy, saying to the entrepreneur:

Where? (Which countries and markets are the most attractive for your business, range of products / services, and current positioning?);

To whom? (Who are the main players in each of these markets? Who are the main customers, distributors and other agents?)

What? (Which brands, solutions, products and ranges will be the most attractive? At what prices?)

Like? (What is the preferred entry mode for this market, via export, partnership with a local entrepreneur? What kind? Investment abroad? If so with which partner? How to make the company and its products known?)

Having defined and structured the company’s internationalization strategy and the entry mode, it will be necessary to define the objectives, the positioning of its products for each of the markets, that is, the marketing-mix.

Other support instruments

  • Atlantic Consulting develops a tableau de bord and provides management with a simple information system consisting of indicators that facilitate the monitoring, evaluation and control of the objectives that have been defined. 
  • Atlantic Consulting also implements a CRM tool to allow the company to immediately start commercial prospecting and business deals, providing all the necessary training for this purpose.

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